In cooperation with
VDMA – Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association – Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering
VDMA – Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association
VDMA is the largest engineering industry association in Europe. Our 3.000 both German and international member companies – most of which are SMEs – reach an annual production value of 151 billion Euro and employ 862.000 people. With a share of 40% Germany is the leading machine supplier in the EU, the total export quota of the German mechanical engineering sector amounts to 70%. VDMA headquarters with a total staff of 400 are located in Frankfurt / Main (Germany). VDMA has representations in Berlin, Brussels, and Tokyo.
VDMA – Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering
Building bridges is one of the major tasks of the Construction Equipment and Building Material Machinery Association. Between politics, science and economy, between manufacturers and customers, and between experts and people who require information.
The expertise of 300 companies from the construction equipment and building material, the glass, ceramics and natural stone machinery industry is brought together under the umbrella of the Association. In accordance with these industries we exercise influence, shape processes , establish business contacts, form the image of the industry, support export activities, gather, value and circulate information. Almost 90% of the German industry is represented here. We act on the global scale; our liaison offices in China and India take care of close international ties.
The industry and the Association project a welcoming face not only at overseas trade fairs. They cordially invite guests to Germany, to the internationally leading trade fairs for the construction, building material, ceramics, glass and natural stone industry: bauma, glasstec, ceramitec and Stone+tec. The Association is the conceptual sponsor of these trade shows.
VDMA – Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association
Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering
Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: +49 69 66 03 12 62
Fax: +49 69 66 03 22 62