CAN in Automation (CiA) e.V.
Booth number: N2.727
About us
CAN in Automation (CiA) is the international users' and manufacturers' group, for the Controller Area Network (CAN). CiA has been established in 1992 to serve as fair platform for the joint promotion and development of CAN. At the beginning of 2024, CiA had 753 member companies, from various application fields, from all over the world. They form CiA's huge social network of CAN experts, and all members benefit from the exchange of experience and knowledge among each other. CiA participates in and supports the development of CAN-related specifications and standards. An important part of our job is the development and maintenance of CANopen and CANopen FD high-level protocols and profiles.
CiA promotes all three generations of the CAN protocol (CAN CC, CAN FD, CAN XL) and its related high-level protocols. CiA organizes or takes part in international marketing measures, including participating in tradeshows, organizing CiA Technology Days, or providing CAN-related publications. Additionally, CiA paves the ground for technical information exchange at the international CAN Conferences (iCC), the CiA working groups, or by means of specialized training services. The CiA website, the CiA publications, CiA's social media channels, and the CAN Community News email service are important sources for information for CAN users.
Kontumazgarten 3
90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 9288190
Contact person:
Reiner Zitzmann
General Manager CiA GmbH
Tobias Kammerer
Marketing Assistant
Products & Services
CiA provides the following services:
Education and training services; for all generations of CAN, onsite and online.
Technical support in case of challenges in CAN-related embedded networking
CiA publications assist to stay up-to-date (CAN newsletter, CIA product guide, CCN)
Interoperability testing and conformance assessment
Expert knowledge, gained at the international CAN conference
CiA's marketing opportunities (participation at tradeshows, product panels, product guide, advertisement)
*Please note, some of the services are for CiA members, only.